
construction destruction

How does this work? One thing gets fixed, the rest gets wrecked. I guess a small place is like a jigsaw puzzle. You move one piece and all the other pieces have to move. So now I'm waiting for everything else to find a place it wants to settle in


  1. Yo,hermanos y hermanas in the struggle, Claudia's room is beautiful. I need her to come back to NYC to help "beautify" my place in the South Bronx. Yes, the South Bronx - which I'm finding out is the coolest place on the planet. Claudia, PLEASE COME HOME. I need to put your picture on a milk carton. You've been MIA too long. But at least I can call you at 8 a.m. in the morning (first for me) and read you poetry by Julia De Burgos. (Yes, Puerto Ricans do write poetry.)

    Here is a little bit of what my dear Claudia heard this morning:

    (By Julia De Burgos)
    I wanted to be like men wanted me to be:
    an attempt at life; a game of hide and seek with my being.
    But I was made of nows, and my feet level upon the promissory earth would not accept walking backwards, and went forward, forward, mocking the ashes to reach the kiss of the new paths...

    Need to buy her book to read the rest of the poem...

  2. Hey Phil, Do you remember throwing lumber out that window?

  3. well it looks like it is time to call architectural digest my question is what's in the cup and who's on the cover of the book?and what is that a picyure of on the wall/ flying fish?good job honey you did real good..

  4. you knew i meant "picture" a word i rarely use only about 100 times a day or more

  5. coffee in the cup, a sci fi book called The Door to Ocean, and a Lynn Brown landscape of a pond.
    Hat homage to Neruda.

  6. Whoops. there's also a pic of shrimp by an old Chinese painter who gave it to me in Illinois.
