
pea soup

I thought it was going to snow more than it did and therefore missed the window to read mysteries all day and eat the rest of the frozen pea soup made from the New Year's Day ham. Hopefully I'll be faster off the mark next time. Citichild came by on her way to work, carrying the laptop and her lunch. When we parted on the street corner—me to get my newspapers and go home, her to catch the subway to midtown, she said, "Well this is role reversal." Just yesterday my sister pointed out to me that none of the four siblings in our family has a regular job. There are a free-lance writer, a free-lance designer, a free-lance musician and a free-lance set carpenter. Citichild hopes to join our number one of these days. Per Dolores, she better get that mortgage and coop approval first.


  1. It took me awhile to figure out how to post comments...I think my IQ has dipped since my self imposed exile on an island..that is not lost at sea. But looking around there are many other castaways..so perhaps that is what lost is. Free is also what many out here believe they are...and at one point I also thought the same.
    Free is a wonderful thing if you can use that to describe your work
    I also aspire to this goal. Free speech is also something I always took for granted until my first response to a blog (not this blog)
    landed me an e-mail accusing me of attacking and lecturing. That because of this I had added to this bloggers feelings of worthlessness and humiliation. If that was my intent I know I could have done a much better job. So free speech without malice or
    profanities can be censored if the meaning or message is considered to
    be whatever the reader is willing to see and if they do not like what they perceive then no more free speech for you...oh well. My attempts to assure the blogger that my intent was not as perceived
    is still unanswered...but my suggestion that my post could be deleted was taken. Maybe I have a problem after all...as hard as I tried (not much) I could not stop from finding the absurdity and humor in this. It really just seemed like a french farce blogger style...maybe I will have some freedom fries and a coke after all.

  2. PS...If this above comment has caused you hurt..anger..pain in any..way..shape..or form...
    this was never my intent...and you can always delete any response of mine that brings these feelings up in you....

  3. my feeling is, if you can dish it out, you gotta take it

  4. See ya'll in midtown. My salary's going up and your asses are going down. Soon you'll be asking me to co-sign for your morgages.
