
doesn't everyone travel with plant life?

The beautiful squash (actually, whoops, it is an heirloom cushaw) was a gift from David that he picked in his neighbor's garden. I just couldn't leave it behind. Same with the elephant ears reflected in the video of Hannah walking in her sixth grade graduation. They came from Virginia, and having killed the ones I left outside last year, I thought I better bring them home, too. And then there was the rosemary I got from Jan, the basil I rooted from a batch I got at Mary's farm, and plants hit the road.
     The building guy who helped me unload didn't look at me askance—he's been helping me for years.



  1. When it comes to Crenshaws, I think you are out of your gourd. What you have is a cushaw which is a type of crook neck squash. A Crenshaw is a melon. Neither is a pumpkin.

  2. Must have misread! Or misremembered!
