
pulling it together

Now with NYC chairs!


  1. Just remember… it’s Your Fault that Thomasville has become the next Dream Destination for the over 30, Upper-West-Side condo dwelling, beachfront cottage owning New Age trendsetters of Middle America.

    I mean, really.. How many people can resist emulating (or at least attempting to emulate ) a blonde, blue eyed bombshell who enters their view-shed with lines like .."I just got back from summiting Mt. Everest with my ex, Biff.. you know, the one with the TV series on the Discovery channel?” or “ I'd love to join you in San Miguel , but I have to close my houses on Block Island before I fly to Hawaii to work on my book…”

    Yes, before you came along life in Thomasville was very much “what you see is what you get”, with a beauteous goat or two thrown in.

    Now it’s Pergolas, “Entertainments,” and trips to Russia with the Gores.

    Guess you can’t keep the half -used loaf of Wonder Bread for sale in your road side tag sale and eat it, too.


  2. I did put out a stack f plates, some pots and pans, two old modems, a broken chair and some old aloha shirts with a FREE sign. So far only the old aluminum pots are gone.

  3. I have never seen the red chair on the right without a melon on it. What happened?

  4. Just haven't bought a watermelon yet! Though they arew coming in from Cave City, Arkansas.

  5. after reading these great comments I forgot what I was going to say...oh yeah...when does Architectural Digest arrive to shoot the scene? It's PERFECT!!!!
