
black history

 In honor of Black History Month—and Flip's last Black History Month at the American Program Bureau, where he has represented Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela and many others for many years (and btw why is Black History Month the shortest month?)—I present the work of my grandchildren on the subject. Isaac drew pictures of a bus pre and post segregation. In the post, he is the kid in the back of the bus. Camilla chose to do a project about Queen Nanny, a leader of the Maroons in Jamaica. I assume she was drawn to the topic having spent some time in Jamaica herself. And she waxed quite irate about the lack of info about the leader. I am just proud to be Mimi's Nini, possibly named for the First Mother.


  1. Nice graphic design choices by Camilla! I also love how happy Isaac looks in the integrated bus.

  2. I am brining it to school today but the due date is on Friday!

  3. Good going, Mouse Leader! You beat the deadline by a mile!
