
missouri to mexico

Just after leaving Missouri, I found out that my mother was going downhill. A shift of plans brought me to Mexico, where I am ensconced for the near future. She gave me a big smile and a "Hi, Sweetie." But she can't fall asleep for more than a few seconds and is fearful of the dark. She must know that the big dark approaches. But Rosio and her other caregivers say she has been much calmer since I got here, The doctor said, "Love is better than medications."


  1. Sending healing thoughts to your beautiful mother. Yes, love is the best medicine but I have
    been experimenting with healing sound for my sister who is gravely ill. Calming and
    resonating on a cellular level No doubt they have singing bowls in San MIquel. Peace to
    you both.

  2. Thinking of you. And I agree with the calming properties of sound. Music, especially from your mother's younger days, might help.

  3. I'm so glad that you made it in time and that there is more family (love) on the way. Peace to your Mom and all of her loved ones.

  4. Love is a good thing. I'm so glad you made it to Mexico -- and that your mother opened her eyes and smiled at you.
    My thoughts are with you.

  5. I had a message that came to me when I heard from you about Peg. "She will be young and beautiful again, and she will be very happy." Don't know quite where if came from or who was sending it, but I know it to be true. XXXXX Please give her my love it it's appropriate. B

  6. you are a good daughter and it sounds like you are appreciated right now which is wonderful for you both...timing is everything they say...How wonderful you could get there now
