
white out

 Don't even talk to my sister about my painting skills. Or my daughter. Or anyone else. But it seemed wise to throw something on the back wall before all kind of pipe was laid there. (It also seemed wise to paint the floor, but that didn't happen.) (Also my sister wants me to mop the floor many times before painting it.) (Very hard to paint with people traipsing in and out with lumber and pipe glue.) (Or even mop.) (So I let other projects move forward.) Anyway, I scraped the back wall and wire brushed it and vacuumed, but as I rolled the paint on, old layers of paint rolled off onto the roller. I went through a couple, but still had to scrape paint chips off. The result was a lot of paint on me as well as the wall, the floor and etc.


  1. Your paint job looks pretty great to me. Clearly a huge improvement from the post-flood state of the back wall. You'll get to the floor eventually.

  2. The floor will have to wait for everything else, it seems to me.

  3. It's looking great. Are you wearing a mask, I wonder? Hope so. Sincerely, Worrier

  4. I hope you are wearing a hat...hate to think of paint chips flying around your beautiful blond hair!!!which is beautiful like the newly painted wall...

  5. Not wearing hat or mask. Or gloves. Just to hard to sense the world in all that gear.
