

When I was young and vigorous, I felt like the neighbor's daughter who twirled around in joy when she arrived on the island. This past weekend, the first that cracked 70 degrees, there were birdwatchers and cyclists, even people in the water. And there were summer people, opening up their houses for Memorial Day.
    Block islanders and people who rent for the summer seem increasingly frantic. Deadlines approach. My high school friend Jamie flew in from a funeral. Her daughter's  boyfriend is shingling the roof, there's a washer/dryer problem and a leak and a cleaning crew. Plumbers are much in demand. Yesterday, with brilliant weather (top), summer felt like a real possibility. Today, in heavy rain, with the heat back on, it feels like a long slog.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know about you, but the seasonal thing is just so ... over. Enough!!

    If I never clean another toilet it will be too soon.
