
strange fruit

You have been wondering how the bitter melon (or karela) plant is doing, I know. The one I planted from seed in Missouri, drove to New York and watched crawl six feet up the airshaft almost to Toby's apartment. Well, a spot of cold weather did it in just as it was blooming, and it fell down to my window. You can just see the little flower and a tiny melon, but I doubt we'll get much further with this plant. I have a couple more seeds. . .


  1. I have an uneasy feeling you may be in Nosebite's sites for a whole new line of prosecutions. I heard him discussing something with the French office about "interstate kidnapping". I that after reading your latest post he suspect you have transported and held captive an unwilling member of the floral kingdom. Not case for Les Felins but perhaps their associates Les Fleurettes por la Justice,

    Better tone down the escape artists escapades.

  2. I wouldn't count it out just yet. The area around your kitchen window is charmed. I bet it springs back to life.
