
the ugly horse

This painting is one Douglas's father and mother acquired (for reasons unclear to me) that he thought I might like to have. They were emptying the barn, so it needed to be stabled somewhere, if only the dump. It was covered with cobwebs and mouseshit and held together with duct tape. And deplorably brown. But there was something about it—I think the size and the frame—that fit into the old men's club ethos of the Dowling Intercontinental, New York City. So, with some little trouble (and help from Doro who cleaned it), I took it off island and installed it in the hall. What do you think?


  1. He needs a lei!

  2. still think it is ugly....need to paint the horse blue or something...too much BROWN paint ...everywhere ugg!!!! (sorry my humble opinion)

  3. Hmmmm, would this be the horse that Barrett has referred to from her long ago days on BI?

  4. Horses on UWS are controversial, no?
