
why i like the ozarks, part 1

Cane Bluffs, Eleven Point River

Old oaks,  McCormack Lake
Both of these places are close to the Goose, and on one of the last days, we went on an expedition around Oregon County, where I sometimes dwell. It was the perfect day, the perfect light, the perfect company—and the perfect opposite of where I am right now!


  1. Your presence is still being missed in the Ozarks...

  2. C "Mums the Word" BASeptember 01, 2015 4:13 PM

    You better be quiet about it, or it won't be your Fortress of Solitude for long.

    Better you should write about it being a dreadful place, or you'll end up being as swamped by friends and admirers as you are EVERYWHERE ELSE YOU LIVE.

