
party animal

Comrade O'Barnes
A friend whose taste ordinarily runs more to serial killers and zombies got hooked on a show called The Americans,  which is apparently about a bunch of Russian agents posing as a normal American family next door. Okay, it was CBA. She decided to become a Communist. Code name: Comrade Mink. She sought out our local expert, and sent the following request:
"Da. Tovarishch Barnes: I would like your aid in designing successful symbol of my movement within this country. A blend please of fighting Irish and the Mother Country.  I suggest a clover with hammer and sickle superimposed.  thnak vas."
Comrade O'Barnes was happy to welcome Comrade Mink, and sent her a welcome note. The Comrade's accent occasionally devolves into an Indian rather than Russian or Irish one, but the recruitment message is stirring.  Please destroy after listening.


Dianne said...

Comrade Mink already has the hat!

Comrade Mink said...

Our covers are destroyed by your well-meaning enthusiasm!

Now Comrade O'Barnes and I are to be re-patriated to the Motherland.

We have asked Moscow to let us stay long enough to see March 17th.

Please meet in Russian Tea room for new St. P Day drink.. Creme de menthe and Vodka.


Claudia said...


Comrade Mink said...

Will be "The Drinking O' the Green."

Double Bleahski!