
mid century modernity

The Noguchi coffee table

The Eames chair
 The Design Not Within Reach catalogue appeared on my doormat again. I don't usually look at it, because the prices piss me off. But I decided to page through. I paused at the Noguchi coffee table to read the SALE! price. @$1700 Same coffee table that was thrown out  I took from the basement in NYC to Hannah's Hideaway in Block Island. Oh, and there were the Eames chairs. I've got several originals (vintage!) that are falling apart. I keep moving them from house to house. Then there was Chris's grandmother's Saarinen dining table, Hannah's grandmother's Corbusier chaise longue and the chairs I remember from my Frank Lloyd Wright-inspired childhood in Arkansas. Thank goodness we already have this shit, because who could afford it now that it's become really, really popular, per this NYT article!

The childhood memory


  1. What about My Grandfather's Chair?

  2. You mean the book? I finally found it on line. Granny's Wonderful Chair, I think its called.

  3. Hey wait! I remember those Arkansas chairs. Didn't we have them in NY circa 1965?

  4. I can't believe the wonderous --wondrous ? -- stuff you find discarded in your own building. I suppose that's just another way of proving income disparity between NYC & The Ozarks. Nothing of any value is ever discarded here. And by the time something finally is discarded, no one could possibly wring any more use out of it!
