
everywhere a sign

Something about the laundromat always gets me. It's called The Washboard, and sure enough washboards hang on the wall as decor. People who have actually used one other than in a jug band are thin on the ground even here. My plumber, however, says he grew up without plumbing in a house with dirt floors. I bet his mom used a washboard.
   Saw another sign of the area on a T-shirt: "They can''t take these guns away." Girl was wearing it right over her bazookas.


  1. C 'Neanderthal' BAAugust 26, 2014 3:04 PM

    Oh yeah?

    You think you got laundromats?

    Well, we got one here in The Town Too Beautiful to Burn called "Wash Rock."

    I've been trying to determine just what the name means for years.

    My guess it's a reference to the fact that before people used washboards they pounded out their clothes on rocks in the stream.

    OOhh.. Snap! Madison has it over West Plains in the Suds' n Bubble name dept. yes?

  2. C "All Things Southern" BAAugust 26, 2014 3:05 PM

    Oh yeah. My friend Ron, he's got a store named "In High Cotton."


  3. so what is it we are supposed to do when the cotton is high?

  4. and thank God they can't wash the HORSE blankets!!!
