
found in a trunk

Naval maneuvers 1912, Old Harbor, Block Island
 Ironically, as the sister-in-law of the President of the Block Island Historical Society, I know very little about history (about as much as I know about gardening, actually—maybe less). But my cousin was moving, and he found this pic from an aunt in the attic. My cursory investigation of Wikipedia showed that the Atlantic fleet, including the dreadnought battleship U.S.S. Wyoming, maneuvered off Block Island in May 1912. Not sure what maneuvering is or why they were doing it, but the picture is amazing. Any naval historians in my audience?
This date doesn't make sense.


  1. The ship was a year old then. She was proobably going through shakedown cruises. Or else tryin to maintain order on Block Island, which is always requires a strong hand.

  2. From May 7 to 24th there were manuvers of Block Island with the Wyoming and a fleet of other Navy vessels. She had mechanical troubles abd went in for repairs before she could use her guns to teach residents on Block Island to behave.

  3. Some people you just can't learn. . .

  4. nice to see the little dorrys(sp) in the harbor
