
cooked Goose?

This is what the Eleven Point Rover and the Goose look like in flood.

I'm packing up to go to the Goose in Thomasville, Mo., when I receive this link, dateline Thomasville, saying that the Eleven Point River is in flood and has crossed Rt 99.
   To be clear, the Eleven Point River is half a block from the Goose, which is on Rt 99. The Eleven Point River has actually come inside the Goose, though not while I've had ownership. So who knows what I'll find when I get out there. Flash flood warnings posted until Sunday. I was kind of thinking of arriving on Friday. If I can get there. . .


  1. If the Goose can't come to the water then water will come to the Goose.

  2. Rainbow trout for dinner?

  3. I am thinking fish stew

  4. Suckers. An appropriate fish.
    And local.
