

OK, I don't usually post on weekends, but this was too good not to pass on. Right when I leave New Orleans, the New York Times discovers the Bywater. Naturally, the folks in the Bywater were vastly amused. My cousins are calling it  #kalegate. You have to read the article first for it to be funny. Almost instantly the following Craigslist ad making fun of the article was posted:

Cannot find you - m4t (New Orleans)Your tender curls had me entranced the moment we met in New York. I cherish the time we shared in all the most cosmopolitan cities. I long to bring you home, to let you soak and cast off the gritty remains of your upbringing. Your bitter sting is more precious than Peychaud's, but you are nowhere to be found in this bohemian danger-zone.
I have biked all over town, and consulted the finest voodoo priestess landlords. Now I find myself becoming unhinged in the produce aisle.

BTW, That's Spogga doing "When the Saints Come Marching  In" in his own inimitable style. His other Cosmpolitan Metropolis is Providence. . .


  1. CB "Paul Theroux" AMarch 10, 2014 11:59 AM

    Am I really supposed to read that whole article? Sorry.. I lost interest after page three.. or was it four? Please, couldn't the author have just written a book instead?

    When I moved to Madison, Georgia 23 years ago I re-read Gone With the Wind for the 500th time, named my new-born daughter Catie Scarlett and shopped at the now-defunct Piggy Wiggly.

    Anyone want to hear what I bought at the store?
