
multimedia roundup

Our own CBA is featured in People mag's Beatles' 50th anniversary coverage. Unbelievably, she still has the huge "We Love You" sign she hung from the balcony at Carnegie Hall when she was 14. Let's hope the press leads to sales! Other Beatles, Rolling Stones and Dave Clark Five memorabilia on her eBay site.
In other news, my brother Chris is working on the set of what may be a clunker (except for the Wild West set, of course!). You can judge for yourselves by watching this trailer for A Million Ways to Die in the West.
Also, you can watch the documentary The Fabulous Ice Age by own Keri Pickett on Netflix at this link. Give her a great review!
And in the final bit of braggadocio, The Artist Known As Chang has made the list of the most influential photographers in Asia.
Says Eeyore: "I'm so boring. All my friends are doing such amazing things. And it's never my birthday."


  1. and you forgot my show in Hudson! of course not as glam as the rest...but at least I am still working....
