
journalists yakking

Put a bunch of writers together and you get a lot of talk. When they share a lot of history at a magazine (Life), you get even more than usual. It was a very long lunch—like, eleven hours. So if I did not take your birthday call, well, sorry!
And, yes, Elvis was there too. In fact, Elvis is everywhere.


  1. It’s only write ‘n roll
    But I like it

  2. From the Corner BoothDecember 16, 2013 4:58 PM

    Writer 1: Hey, we agreed. No arm wrestling.
    Writer 2: Yeah, ‘specially at the table.
    Writer 3: We bin here almost elevin hours, whud’re they gunna do, throw us out?

    Writer 4: God I hope we get a cab, it’s freakin’ SNOWIN’!...on my camo pumps!!! Yo, girly waitress, yeah you Princess!! We ain’t comin’ back t’ this dump neither!!

    Writers 1, 2, 3, 4: Hmmph. We’ll get a cab. They hafta stop y’know. Law.

  3. They pretty much did throw us out! But they love us anyway: We tip well. No cabs to be had, though, so hiked to the No. 1 train and continued at my place.

  4. Looks like a fun time. I love a bar with paneling. I'm sure you know what I mean. :)
