
heart ny

Have been gadding about town a lot what with Life reunions etc. And whenever I come back, I feel very fortunate to live in such a great place in such a great part of such a great city. Having a visitor who remembers how derelict the city was back when we moved here and sees how much it has changed makes me appreciate it all the more.


  1. And so clean, too!

  2. I remember how it was. I kind of miss The Red Apple, though.

    I feel the same way when I walk in the door of my loft. Whether I'm coming back from a long distance trip, or a one day stint as a werewolf.

    I am glad to be home. It's beautiful!

  3. awesome apartment beautiful home...you lucky girl! and I'm lucky to know you, and it! NYC is very different than it used to be when we were kids...so is mostly everywhere...except BI for the most part
