

Ok, I know it's not roundup day (Monday), but here is the latest news anyway.
Camilla (above) is still three. Isaac is one month old today and still unable to sleep without being trotted around—not on ponyback.
A friend's daughter has posted about Ozark must sees.
A young relation has posted a trailer for her doc Birdmen.
National Geographic has a new site dedicated to some of our favorite photogs.
Yesterday I observed Talk Like a Pirate Day but didn't see the full moon. 
Also iOS7. Arrrgh!
And by the time you read my next post, I will be in transit again. I must [go] down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky. . .


  1. From the Spud BargeSeptember 21, 2013 7:26 AM

    ...then the sea,
    will not be lonely
    nor will I

  2. which sea and which sky? which continent?

  3. @Kate The one dearest to your heart!

    @Spud Barge Could deal with a bit of loneliness right abut now!
