
the advocats

Catticus Finch, Esq.
Many of you know that of recent date I have been, well—I hestitate to say hounded—stalked, rather, by an AdvoCat styling himself Nose Bite Kitty, Esq. Come to find out, he is only one animal in a consortium known as Felines Pour la Justice. The nonprofit also has such legal stars as Furry Mason, Clarence Sparrow and F. Miaow Bailey.
Sacre Bleu! How can I get these animal rights nutcases off my tail?


  1. Catticus Finch, Esq.August 08, 2013 10:26 AM

    Madame: Nous sommes reconnaissants que vous reconnaître publiquement l'importance de notre entreprise, et vous avez une suggestion qui peut résoudre vos problèmes et résoudre les litiges que nous avons actuellement en cours contre vous.
    Puisque vous avez, comme vous l'avez dit, une queue, nous vous invitons à rejoindre notre "Les Félins Pour La Justice". Vous pourrez ensuite poursuivre votre propre. Catticus Finch, Esq.

  2. Nose Bite K. Esq.August 08, 2013 10:39 AM

    Madam Dowling: I am now student of the English language. Allow me to translate Monsieur Finch's correspondence for you. And I might add, I'm like, yeah. Nose Bite Kitty, Esq.

    Madam: We are grateful that you publicly recognize the importance of our firm, and have a suggestion which may solve your problems, and resolve the lawsuits we currently have pending against you.
    Since you have, as you stated, a tail, we invite you to join our firm "Les Felines pour La Justice". You may then chase your own. Catticus Finch, Esq.
