
goose, before and after

The final paint color was subtle, and close to the original. Peachy!


  1. Thank you so much for the hospitality. EET wuz reel nise meetin sum jen new wine sitty slickers frum whey uhp nurth. You are a fantastic cook and I really enjoyed visiting with you.
    post script
    I dig your Goose man!!

  2. Golly, I was so charmed to tak a gander at a bona fide cowboy/ hillbilly. You people really know how to have a good time! I too enjoyed meeting you and hope we can reune when I'm back at the Goose.
    PS It's not about the Goose!

  3. wow things are a really hoppin way down yonder...that Goose is a really boppin...with that nice new coat of paint and all...
