
time travel

Vestiges of the old Claudia's Surf City remain at the new one. There's the sign that pointed the way to the surf shack —and to windy spots all over the world. And there's the child who sat next to her mother, now with a child of her own. The ocean is the same. The compound is likely happy that the Hawaiian music tape, which I boomboxed nonstop, is now history.


  1. When you put up that sign, it probably took hours with an atlas, etc. to gather and calculate the information on distances and directions. Now it would be 5 minutes of surfing (not the water kind).

  2. In the Seat Next to Phill

    I’m not a Google-pecking bird
    I keep my iPhone low
    I’m a thick-lensed nerd
    ‘ map and compass to go

  3. I have to say that as I posted this pic, I did think about how much easier it would be to make this sign nowadays. . .
