

What with the new party lights, the Goose should host an evening affair on the deck. Sadly, most of the Goose guests, like the Goose hostess, are of an age where they don't care for driving 45 minutes  through deer country after dark. Thus the enter- tainment yesterday was lunch. Once the umbrella blew over, however, the Goose guests were cooked, and we adjourned to the downstairs.
   One of the guests was the editor of the local paper, the West Plains Daily Quill who hosted me years ago (perhaps he might not have been so welcoming had he known he was forming a lifelong familial relationship with me, but that's another story) and who also helped the New York Times reporter do this story about arming teachers. When the Quill's story came out, I didn't see a single letter of complaint or shock. I suspect reaction to the Times story will be quite different.


  1. Small world, or six degrees of Kevin Bacon - I just read that NYT story and was wondering if you knew the paper.....of course you do.

  2. I can.t help thinking where I would be today if my teachers had guns. Just the idea of gym teachers with guns id terrifying. Add teacher evaluations to the mix and it is possible the phrase "Going Middle School" might someday enter the vocabulary.

  3. Nice is that limestone outer walls?

  4. No, that's old painted concrete block from the manufactury that used to be in town around the turn of the 20th century.
