
my spot

photo by Chien-Chi Chang
This is the best photo ever made of my favorite place in New York City—and maybe in the world. When the sun shines through the window for five minutes, it is the best. I am not the only one who likes it here. Ruca the dog is quite fond of it. Camilla the Mimi likes it. Many of my friends and relations find it, um, gemutlich. If you have never been here, you should check it out. Right now the best time of day is one in the afternoon. Gemutlich.


  1. Needs no IntroductionFebruary 11, 2013 4:13 PM

    Yeah well, maybe you ain't rolled that F-150 down to The Ear Inn @ sunset.

    It's on Spring Street, by the river. If you mention my name you can hang in the construction-worker section. Please leave them shootin' irons in the truck though, we try not to encourage gunplay.

    Everything changes.

  2. The Artist lives up to his moniker.

  3. Ah yeah, that's a great picture. You should thank Sony ;-)
    I only sat there in the evening, but it really is a great spot and very gemütlich.

  4. Great spot....

    That table has hosted many a conversation.
