
fixing a hole where the rain gets in


Like the Poetry Man said on the last post, there are places and jobs where the weather really makes a difference. One of these places is the roof over the bed where you are sleeping with a daylight crack in a monsoon rain and howling wind, and I mean a howlin' and a rattlin' and a shakin' like you wouldn't hardly believe, my people.
   No, I don't think the plastic bags and bucket are a real fix (also the bags didn't work) so I went wandering through the interweb and found these handy items about how to replace a missing wood shingle even with diagrams.
   And I must say, it all sounds eminently doable but for the part where you are working on a seriously pitched roof. Which pretty much tears it for me. And even Spiderman would have to wait til this south wind quits a blowin' anyway. Made the split pea soup yesterday, appropriately, given the fog.

Forgot to put this in. Coolest picture of almost realtime winds ever.


  1. Onto the Pure

    Tug on your harness
    Clip in your rope grab
    Two lines for honest
    Tie them boots, trust your hands

  2. Up Where

    Come with me oh human child
    To the ridge beam, live the wild

    The hawk never falls
    Nor will we

    I'll bring the overalls
    You, the split pea

  3. almost nothin' worse than a leaky roof in a rain storm as far as I can tell...except no roof at all...it always really freaks me out...and there ain't nothin' you can do about it till the storm is over and even then the roof has to dry off before you should go near it on foot... yikes!
