
the way it is

I am still totally in love with this toon app even though it does make people look like Dorian Gray's portrait.

And in the latest news, the Alabama contingent was baking cookies and didn't even know about the storm, a Democrat's cat was killed in Arkansas and left on the pol's doorstep with the word "liberal" painted on it, 40 snowy owls were spotted in Missouri, friend Allison Adato's book, Smart Chefs Stay Slim,  was plugged in Mark Bittman's column in the NYT, and Chien-Chi Chang held court at his opening at the International Center for Photography, everybody still hates Newt Gingrich and how about those Patriots!


  1. How depressing.

    Not your pic, the killed cat.

    I hope the killer answers for his heinous act.

  2. Um, that's Pats ta'us up 'ere.

  3. lots of news to process...not all good...but interesting

  4. Is there an ICP catalog for Chien-Chi's exhibit? The site has words but no images.

  5. Update: A snowy owl was sighted in West Plains, Mo! It will have its picture in the Quill tomorrow.

    @Hill. There are a couple if you click read more under Perspectives. There are more on the Magnum Photo website. Basically the show is his pix of men in Chinatown paired with pix of their families, usually back in China.
