
my home is my castle

OK guys, I keep saying that the Ozarks are a bargain for homeownership, but check this out: A castle for $1.8 million. That's what my apartment would go for in New York!
    My commune for aging women would fit comfortably in here. It's not far from that fabu entertainment center called Branson (direct flights!) and should be pretty close to the new American Art Museum for the Recordbooks. I cannot find that has a pool, which could be a serious problem, but look at the listing for yourself. Maybe the nine-foot fireplace and the 13 bathrooms make up for the lack of a pool. Might need a trust fund for maintenance, but let's crunch the numbers: If 12 people (the number of bedrooms) put in $200,000 apiece, that allows $600,000 in the bank for expenses. Judging by the Goose ($48/yr), annual property taxes wouldn't be prohibitive. We could hire help! I mean serfs. . .


  1. But isn't that a body of water over there? Maybe we wouldn't need a pool.

  2. And, appropriately, the body of water appears to be named Beaver. Hmm.

  3. There are 13 bedrooms...one in the guest cottage...& there's the entire WHITE RIVER for swimming with no maintenance!

  4. But are there stairs to totter down to the river?
    Must explore.

  5. Maybe we (er, the serfs) could construct a lift to the river so we wouldn't even have to walk...
