
breaking news

So you're sitting peacefully in your loft in a building hard by the tracks—a seed warehouse or some such built before the Civil War.
One minute it's your home; the next it's a train wreck.
This actually happened yesterday to our own CBA. That is not her loft shown—she lives on the other side of the building. The owners, fortunately, were out. And now they have to stay out pending all kinds of litigation.
A logging truck, see, was crossing the tracks without looking both ways. The driver's okay. The engineer is okay. Everybody's okay except for, like, the stove-in part of the building. And the truck.
Was this incident predicted in the stars?
Find out on Heaven Knows What.


  1. Thank you for reporting the wreck, and directing everyone to my blog, which it would seem (sob) only you read.

    In any event, to be more accurate, my loft is directly next to this one. I missed being decimated by a New York minute.

    The owners of the loft were actually there.. one is 90 + and wheelchair bound. They were in bed and a 1000 pound log sailed through the already collapsing wall, missing them by about five feet.

    It will be months, I predict (without the help of The NY Post) before the place is habitable again.

  2. This is quite unbelievable. So sorry, CBA, and neighbors.

  3. all stove up... (I think the last time I saw 'stove' used like that was by Harper Lee in To Kill A MockingBird)
