
all about real estate

Snazzy, real estate agent par excellance, can sell you anything—the Brooklyn Bridge, the Empire State Building, or, here, the High Line. In her alter ego as Sarah Fearon, comedy queen and (surprise!) real estate agent, she is also  quite amusant. Check out her standup routine here. We know her from Block Island.

And speaking of Block Island, ABC news and Coastal Living magazine both recommend the place off season—what I've been trying to tell you!
Should I put in heat?


  1. Yes yes yes to heat. I would LOVE to to spend a couple of weeks hunkering down in Block Island in the wintertime. Howling wind, rough seas, dramatic skies, a full library. Heaven.

  2. Yeah, if you could get there in those rough seas!

  3. T.H.E. from The Pan Am BuildingNovember 16, 2011 7:08 AM

    Heat 'n Heliport

    here's whut I heard
    bowt that Block Island bird
    she's got a warm place t' land
    atop frozen sand

    Let's Whirl

  4. Yes, I worked the Pan-Am Building too: fall of '68, maybe '69.

    It was on a Saturday and I was mixing mortar for the famous bricklayer, Fairshake Phil. We were building 4" block partitions in the sub basement and when things got slow I played stickball with one of the laborers in the hallway. We used half-a-broomstick and a rolled-up container from Zum Zum. I think I was eleven.

    Later on, they brought me up to the roof, showed me the landing pad, and told me about the crash.

    I don't remember much of the landing pad, but I do remember the tone of the laborer's narrative.

    In any event, that kid, T.H.E., is one helluva rhymer. If anyone's asking me.

  5. GO FOR IT!

    P.S. I still think The Goose could be a rental...it's ALL in marketing; & once the first few people visit, then you're on the map. And after viewing the Wear Your Music "About Us" page, THE FAMILY is more than capable of marketing!!!
