
slated for destruction

The house next door is going. A flatbed delivered a large storage container, and a group of guys came over to hang out on the porch and look around. I just hope they're done with the heavy moving by next season! Hear tell the plans for the new house look a lot like the one the singer is sitting in.
CBA offers up this appropriate tune, Eve of Destruction.


  1. Good salvage opportunity!

  2. One for FairshakeOctober 06, 2011 7:24 PM

    with a 20 oz. Rocket
    and a Skil HD77
    we’ll frame a pile of lumber
    into a stairway under heaven
    thru the sawdust blown
    and the grimace on our face
    we gotta beat the bid
    and still build a great place
    let them tear it all down
    we’ll put beauty in its place
    and you can tell me
    always over and then once again
    how can we conceive
    to ever grieve this destruction?
    yes we have to leave
    and rest on the Eve of Construction

  3. Love the new rapper version

  4. I like the version by the new kid, reminds of pipefitting back in the day.

  5. Not bad, Bo Riddly.
    @Otra Rubia, doubt there will be anything but broken glass and rock wool insulation up for grabs. As long as the whole pile doesn't explode and shoot fireballs over to my place, I don't care. But I am not overly sanguine about the intelligence of those slated to complete the destruction. Or construction either, for that matter. Same dudes.
