
the night boat

When the seven o'clock arrives in Block Island now, it is full dark. Fall is here.


  1. I was thinking more George Ault.

  2. Neruda and Patti's Rhyming BuddyOctober 01, 2011 7:11 PM

    Because the Light

    because the light
    belongs to others
    we throttle in tight
    as radar lovers

    the east has the day
    hers, by tradition
    but the dark is good pay
    learned from Prohibition

  3. I was thinking of the title.

  4. Or Van Gogh's The Night Cafe.

  5. Or "The Daddy Boat," as the last Friday ferry to arrive is affectionately--to some--known.

    And for those who might not follow these things, the 7 pm traditional ferry (aka "the slow boat" vs. the hi-speed) from Pt. Judith arrives around 8 pm.

    It is the time of departure and not the arrival time that determines how reference is made to a particular scheduled ferry.

    Thus, the ferry that leaves the mainland at 7 pm is called the 7 pm ferry and not the 8 pm ferry, which is the time it approximately arrives at Block Island.

    Much confusion reigns, however, the other way around, for the 5 pm ferry from the island, for instance, doesn't arrive at the mainland dock at Pt. Judith until around 6 pm, a detail that has had more that a few fuming at the dock waiting that extra hour for their friend, parent, child, to arrive when said friend, parent, child has said, "Please meet me, I'm on the 5 o'clock ferry."

  6. very glad to have the poetry...back
