

"Forget the Yellow Brick Road. If you are off to see The Goose, you have to follow the Long and Winding, Yellow, Striped, Road," writes Frank. He sends along this picture of Rt. 160 right before the Thomasville turnoff. Most people in the Ozarks call these stomach-addling ups and downs "whoopdedoos." The sight of the road makes me a little homesick (no, not carsick!), but the Goose is shut down for the winter now. Fortunately, snow is infrequent;  your whoopdeedoo becomes a fine howdeedoo, I'm a tellin' you!


  1. Thanks for making me laugh!

  2. Everything in Missouri is an hour away over roads like this.

  3. This is Frank's picture? where is the heron?

  4. I love the landscape of this part of Missouri.

    Seeing this picture makes me want to rush right down to Rover and buy that cement block house next to the gun range.

    In fact, I might just do that.

  5. t' Frisco

    this road's a good road
    don' see no D-8s
    got high revs to load

    and I'm running late

  6. wish i was driving down this road right now!

  7. He stopped at the top of the whoopdeedoo and shook the Triumph. The shallow slosh told him he had enough fuel to make it to T'ville. They were coming fast now. He could outrun anything except a Schmeisser MP 40, and this only meant there was no decision to make.
    First gear and gone. He spotted the berm 400 yards out and he knew he could make the fences Two fences, two passes, two jumps. From somewhere back in his head, his favorite catchphrase: "Watch this..."
