
bear's trove

This is what Bear does. He lives on corn meal mush, deer meat and dried beans. He plays "solitary," as he calls it. And if it's nice he looks for arrowheads in the river bank. He gives most of them to his niece. This winter, however, the weather was too cold, and with the pickings getting slimmer every year, he started making his own. It's kind of appropriate as he's one-eighth Cherokee—"or something, my mother's mother was Indian anyway and had hair down to her feet." Below is his most recent find, from last fall. "Pretty, ain't it?"


  1. That is a nice find. Jack would love to find one of those on his little island.

  2. so how old is that arrowhead anyway? It's a beauty....

  3. Go, Bear.

    You've got the swells beat by a mile.

    I want what you have.

    Spiritually, that is.
