
the muffins and the snake

Was this an old episode of I Love Lucy or was it really happening? The mister is trying to deal with the kitchen sink,  clogged with something nasty and extremely recalcitrant, and at that exact time, in the exact same space,  the missus decides to undertake a massive muffin-baking project. You could only watch it unfold like a ping-pong game.
". . . raisins or blueberries?"
". . . 25-foot snake. . ."
". . . need  chopped walnuts. . ."
". . . omigod another bucket. Mop! Mop!"
". . .substitute butter for shortening?"
". . .think I flushed it down the toilet. . ."
". . .pass me two eggs?"
". . .pass me the plunger?"
". . .nutmeg smells really good. . ."
". . .this is disgusting. . ."
As of this morning, there are a dozen blueberry muffins in the freezer and a pile of dirty dishes on every available surface in the kitchen. Tune in tomorrow . . .


  1. Looks like a muffin baker's dozen

  2. Because I can't find your email: Know anyone leaving BI Sun morning toward Boston (or even Providence)? My E needs a ride.

  3. By the looks of that picture, H's muffin is about ready to come out of the oven!

  4. Hannah's looking like some of the guys in my neighborhood: wifebeater rolled up, revealing enormous gut.

  5. 'cept it's a nursing tank top. Lord save us all.

  6. Sorry Phill, I'm off island and don't know anyone leaving. Nor do I know when I'll be back on. Depends on when the muffin comes outa the oven. . .

  7. Good luck with the baking!
