
ready for prime time

And also very ready to get off this island!


  1. Looking good.

    Very good.

  2. Don't leave yet. You missed a spot. Second picture, over in the corner. My God< how could that happen.

  3. brother called, alarm going off at CSC, he press red button, whent off, then 3 minutes and it went back on, so he called X, and X called Todd at Effluent (let X know if u want Todd's cell), told that K. Hoyt off island for the weekend, so X went over, opened panel called Todd, who said he thought that the alarm went off because the power had failed. Yea, the power co. strikes again. Will have K. Hoyt stop by on return to Island to check, perhaps with many users now ensconced, cycle has to be shortened? Sounds right. Happy trails.


  4. I don't know about the cycle. I do know that I was washing laundry and d/w a lot before I left. Hope it was the power issue. It was doing it for a while and then was ok for around a week or so.
    Thank you, J, X (D) et all.

  5. Alarm went off again early this evening, Wm. pressed the red button, as X and brother feeding Old Folks and filling out forms for putative closing of condo in South Carolina, and luck for us, Kevin, whose cell phone number I have, was back on the Island, went over and reset the timers for quicker cycling, after having talked to the renters and determined that numberous teenage girls had taken multiple, non-simulatenous showers. Mr. Hoyt, who had serviced X's unit and received from X a complimentary letter sent to his bosses, which he was told about, is quite amenable to calls and action when X requests. Nice to have X here, as he had pumped lakes in the past, etc., etc., despite not having raised daughter.


  6. Tnx. I do believe raising of daughter was shared.

  7. I guess I should have titled this entry "NOT ready for prime time."
