
cooking with gas

It seems like ages ago—well, it was ages ago—that I went out to Staten Island to pick up a much adored Chambers stove that had outlived its owner. Yes, this stove is the same type also adored by Julia Child. And me in Block Island. And now, finally, by my sister, who designed her LEED Silver-rated house's kitchen around it but was unable to install earlier thanks to certain buildings officials. Let's hear it for the girl: She found the manual on line, took the stove apart and cleaned it, refitted it for propane (from natural gas), calibrated it and now is cooking with it.


  1. I can't wait until tomorrow...yesterday was the sink, today the stove, it has to be the refrigerator. Thrilling

  2. Tomorrow's the weekend and I don't post at all, so suck it up, Anonymouse.

  3. Yeah for Erin!!! All you Dowlings are SO SMART!!!

  4. I think Rachel Ray was cooking on one of these in her TV show!!! She is almost as cool as Erin and gang. Other Mother.
