

"Hi, Claudia."
It was the Real Estate lady. I never like getting calls from her the first week the houses are rented. Especially when I'm far away and soon to be a whole lot farther. And, as you know, already my septic alarm has become a whole-family affair.
"The tenants at Claudia's say they have ants."
"There weren't any when I left. Did they leave dog food down?"
"They say all the food is in Ziplok bags. Can I tell them you'll call the exterminator?"
"Well, sure. I'll call the bug lady."
"But they just love the house, and they're having the best time."


  1. Maybe they meant Aunts. They can be a problem sometimes...

  2. Ants come with houses. Apartments have roaches.

  3. ants come with life...the chemicals that kill them can also not be so good for us....squish them ants..it's good excercise and puts off their dying a slow death from chemicals ....this coming from someone who has "ants"...also by the way only for @ 2-3 weeks a year...right now!
