

One of my favorite web forwards of all time is recorded on my no-longer-maintained site "Why I Can't Stop Smoking." Since I stopped smoking some time ago, it should now be entitled "Why I Can't Stop Drinking," or maybe, since I've stopped drinking for Lent (not, as a waiter the other day thought, because I'm Christian), "Why I Can't Stop Thinking About Drinking." Today, anyway.
Many of you will find this bloomsday/doomsday saga pathetic, depressing or gross. Tough. And trust me, I'd be joining those boyos today if I could.


  1. Lady is dark thinking to present her version of American "Hey Irish" day.

    Is "Spearing of the Green." Sigh.

    Please, Lady Goddess. Do not lust for demon substance. Better to make nest with Li and do gym thing with ironing Li's shirts.

  2. Lent,too, shall pass.

  3. That's pumping iron, Uncle. American pastime.

    Not to be confused with Chinese laundry.

  4. May the beer rise to meet you
    May a waiter be always at your back
    And may the Good Lord,
    in his infinite mercy
    keep a cold Becks handy

  5. Aw hell, guess I'll have an NA. Current fave: Clausthauler Amber.

  6. Hmmm.
    Perhaps it is stating the obvious to point out that in addition to stopping smoking, you HAVE stopped drinking. Long may it continue.

  7. Dennis Leary sounds like a lot of Irish guys I know. Loved it. Ah New Yawk.

  8. well i guess this is wide open for ideas about laying off the sauce...but when it comes to booze ...je m'excuse
