
squirrels at fedex

Rather than fruitcake these past few holiday seasons, people tend to send me pecans—which I also adore. Some of my faves come from Texas Kate. So it was with eager anticipation that I opened the box to find—yikes! Something had gotten into the box and then sealed it up again with tape.
I did not know rodents were capable of packaging. Do you think we should eat the remainder?


  1. Doesn't look like rodents to me. Did you forget to tip the doorman?

  2. Texas Kate writes:
    The nuts were originally mailed in a tube!!! We guess the tube got jammed up or robbed or something! What a shock to see the mess they delivered to you. Dennis tells me now that FedEx had noted a delay in Fort Worth on your delivery - but they never told us there was a problem with the package! Maybe it got dropped off at the Stockyards?

    Anyway - I have more of the delicious pecans of the season and will send you another batch. And Dennis says he will take this up with FedEx with the help of your photos.
