
a sad story

The river was rising fast and darkness was falling as I pulled into the Goose. I unlocked the door, and all seemed well. But then I noticed a pile of wood chips next to the sink and then the gnawing at the window. Upstairs, a piece of the ceiling had been chewed out, and it looked like something had tried to use the Venetian blinds as a ladder. Something had been desperate and trapped.
Behind the bed was was the unhappy victim. I put the body in the yard, but before I could bury it, Yoyo trotted off with the remains.


  1. Umm... or should I say, yumm?

  2. Too bad Yoyo stoled it. You could have had it taxidermied.

  3. So true. Or fricaseed.

    If you're going country, go all the way.
