
missouri update

Here is a link to a great LA Times review of Missouri sculptor Bill Dugan's daughter Jessie's sculpture of a twisted tree (if you can follow that). And a way cool explication of her apricot tree by sculptor Jessica Rath on You Tube.
And here is a link to former Goose owner Mike Brown's exploits as a property appraiser in Texas.
You see, people from the Ozarks do get out and about!

Trying to organize a pickup in Staten Island tomorrow, dropoff in Massachusetts same day, shopping the following day and ferry to Block Island the next, so this space will probably be pretty lame til Monday. Sorry.

1 comment:

  1. Not to complicate matters, but get a gander at this:


    1949; six burners; only $200

    (I've got to figure out how to use tinyurl)
