
inscrutable woman

I really like this painting. It was done by a friend of mine and may be her first painting. She is usually a writer. She suggests this site to paint on line, but this painting is on paper. I wonder what this woman is hugging.


  1. I hate to say this, but it looks sort of like an Always Maxi pad.

    While I cannot quite tell what she is sitting on, it might be a pumpkin. Making her the quintessential earth-mother type.

    Which, if you eat those beans, you may be in danger of becoming.

    Neruda says the sign said "Fire Department."

    I like the painting, by the way.

    When did you tear the outside stairway down?

  2. I wish to apologize for my previous comment.

    It's a lovely painting. I wish I had done it.

    I reminds me of the self-portrait Claudia did of herself when she was tending bar on Kauai. If anyone knows the one I mean.

  3. Good. Even though, it's so, BYWB.
    That's Before You Were Born.

    Said properly with just the right twist, it's a perfect put-down for young upstarts.

    Not you, Wolfen. You passed that stage.

    I'm going to pull it on my own daughter next time she begins one of her "I know more than you do" routines.

    I mean, we have ADD, AA, ACOA, ACDC, OCD, etc. etc. I vote we make BYWB a mental condition.

  4. Are her boobs really glowing?

  5. I don't think think I can really say how this painting makes me feel..well I agree with the maxi pad and the comparison to portraits in a bar but really it only reminds me it is time for a self portrait so who am I to say what works? lots of color though and I don't understand the "breasts" they are kind of a mystery but then when are they not?
