
in my dreams

My nights are thick with visions, but lately I have noticed a recurrent theme: real estate. Any idea why?
Totting up the properties I own in my dreams—and only counting ones I've visited more than three times in three different dreams—I am currently the proud owner of the following:
Three apartments in New York City. Two are vaguely similar to the one I actually live in (though the dream New York bears no resemblance to the real one) and one is a slummy place in a bad neighborhood kind of like the Lower East Side used to be.
A loft in Chicago. It is extremely large and hard to find your way into via a maze of stairways and halls. It has a great kitchen, but much of the space is unfurnished.
A loft in what purports to be Providence but looks nothing like the real Providence.
A huge space built into a cliffside for me by my brother-in-law in some wooded area. It has lofts and catwalks leading to many levels. Very rough around the edges.
Three rental houses in Block Island (that's one more than in reality). In dreams, I keep forgetting about No. 3 to the point where I even neglect to list it for rental and can't always find it. (Maybe because in reality it doesn't exist.)
An old house that I've just bought that has two kitchens. I'm not sure where this house is located, but the stashes of antiques that I move around in there are very well detailed.
There are probably more that I'm forgetting right now, but these nine properties are enough to make me startle when I walk into one of them in my dreams and wonder whether I've remembered to pay the rent/mortgage lately.
I also have a black Harley-Davidson that I always forget I own until I stumble across it in a parking space or garage. As a New Yorker, I know I have to be dreaming when I'm talking parking.


  1. You know what this means? I'll tell you what it means.

    It means you are going to by a gas station.

  2. In other news, Boom Boom Beauty Bar is having a 'Say Goodbye to Bush' special: 40% off all bikini waxing services from now till Inauguration Day.
