
the aftermath

So there was this chocolate pie, see, and it was covered with slippery whipped cream, and the crust was kind of hard, and, like, it just jumped off the plate, ricocheted off two people and, like, landed crushed on their feet. . .


  1. Compared to the guy being trampled at Walmart, this linen's woes are minor.

    I think all shoppers nuts enough to line up to participate in these buying frenzies should have a chocolate pie thrown in their face. Before the doors open.

    You know, like, the greeter says " Welcome to Walmart!" Sploosh!

    That would slow them down.

    Speaking of buying frenzies, how about making a full blog post of my pic in the NYT???

  2. OK. Tomorrow, although i don't usually work on Sundays. But you have to write it for me!

  3. Can do. Tonight.

    Mercie. Or rather, "Gracias, Madam.
    Aprecio su atención amable. El es dinero de nada no curará. ¿Dónde está mi cheque de pago? "

    I'm, like, so tired of Doing Poor.

  4. For those of you who don't speak spanish, including me, that reads:

    "Thank you, Madam. I appreciate your kind offer. There is nothing money won't cure. Where is my paycheck?"

    I must call our future domestic placement manager and see if being in the NY Times will help me get that job in Tuxedo Park.
