
heard on the street

I have to go to bed, now that I've had a tutorial in how to turn off the lights and discovered that my toilet, a Toto Washlet, believes that we're having an affair.


  1. Those toilets should have warning labels about their addiction dangers. I know one local person who, after a few far east trips, broke down and had one installed in his home.

  2. Sadly for Li, even Danger Fleece cannot hold candles like this to Toto toilet. Li should have known this was enviable, as Lady has long history with Incinolet.

    Please, My Once Lady. Tell Li. Toto-San intentions are with honor?

  3. If mother would come home to live with young scared one, young scared one be more than happy to install Toto-Magic-Washing-machine in mother's own room in Woonie.

  4. Enviable! Where's Courtney Li to set us right!

  5. I love kareoke but don't know the song
