
at the new digs

Cheryl welcomed me to Taipei City in their fab Japanese-influenced apartment with sleeping platform, moderno kitchen and great views. The Artist Known as Chang appeared from Singapore shortly after I did, and we discussed the triumphs and the tribulations. TAKAC seems to think a better exhibition of these pictures will never be shown, and I tend to agree with him. It was a beautifully and thoughtfully designed exhibition, perfectly executed. He says maybe he'll go on to make films now.
OK, Ed, is that better?


  1. You are right, this is an absolutely beautiful (and v manageable looking) apartment. So where will you be sleeping (I didn't see a couch...)?

    Also, that is not nearly enough gossip with regard to the show. We want the dirt, not the "this was wonderful, that was wonderful" review.

    More. The. Fans. Want. More.

  2. That's "Wo" "Whoa" "Wolfen" to you.

  3. Should have said

  4. I am with wolfen. What happened when they rolled out the red carpet and the artist known as chang walked down the red brick road. Was there a Singaporean equivalent of Joan Rivers comment on Cheryl's gwn. What happened to the parents. What crowd arrived? Has our tenement dweller now emerged as the artist of his generation?
    More to come, I hope.
