
fleur de nuit

After he made giant murals of the blooms of the night gardens of Key West, I warned Chris G. that he'd better look out or he'd become the go-to guy for flowers. As you can see, he did not take this advice. Never have perishing tulips looked so alive. For more of Chris's work, check out his portfolio.


  1. The tulips, your fireplaces, the little blue chair by the fireside, the ferry, the sailboat on the window sill and then the riveting movie of the dump trip! It's all just too much to take in! Hi CD, my what you've done with the place. I'm so impressed. And I wish I were there too. But I'm here at work instead. Your house looks "fab!! You ought to be very proud. xo, Doro

  2. Hey Doro! Did you see your vase on the fireplace?
    Time to buy in Rhode Island. . .
