
farewell and hail

They came, they cycled, they played ball, they went out to eat, they walked, they split--leaving everything perfect. Thank you Michael, Eric, Kyle, Hannalaura (sp?).
There was the small matter of the forgotten dog biscuits. I gave them to Frieda. I think she will love them.


  1. Claudia,

    Isn't there always one item left behind on vacation? The Greenies were remembered atop the refrigerator approaching New York 'airspace'. Hannelore [the Mother] wasn't too upset, but was a bit bummed that leaving the biscuits meant she didn't leave the place 'as found', therefore, a perfect score was unattainable in her mind even though you gave us that score!

    Thank you for posting the picture of the boys having fun. Cherished memories to not be forgotten.

    Look forward to reading more of the blog in the future, returning to BI sometime, and of course, being at Surf City and all the good things therein.


  2. Could it be possible that it was only a week ago that the temps were comfy, and sweaters were still worn almost every day? please tell me it won't be like this all summer?!?!
    Hope you're enjoying your last couple of weeks of relative calm up there, and how about those sunrises from bed!!!
